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By: Cuba Embassy

Cuba is widely known as one of the most medically-advanced countries in the world in terms of medical research, infant mortality rate and universal access to care. Furthermore, Cuban medical practitioners are some of the most well-trained in the medical industry. SMC Salud, or Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A., manages health services in Cuba and shares strategic alliances with the Cuban Ministries of Tourism, Higher Education, Public Health, BioCubaFarma, and the Sports Institute.

There are seven divisions within SMC Salud:

1. Medical tourism delivery

2. Academic education

3. Cuba’s medical services abroad

4. Wellness and quality of life services

5. Medical services for foreign residents

6. Network of pharmacies and opticians

7. Health symposiums and events SMC Salud offers academic programs ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate and residency opportunities. More than 35,000 foreign students have received free education in Cuba.

cuba health SMC Salud has a network of hospitals of excellence throughout Cuba, both general and specialized, equipped with the latest technology. In these centers, novel techniques are applied for a rapid and effective diagnosis in more than 150 therapeutic procedures and more than 250 medical programs, including: • Medical check-ups • Dental checkups • Physical rehabilitation • Organ and tissue transplants • Implants • Surgery • Cancer treatment Cuba’s medical personnel have served in over 160 countries in the past 55 years and welcome health tourists from all around the world. Currently, SMC Salud is present in 63 countries with 41,852 employees, of which 20,306 are physicians. Nurses, technicians, engineers, technologists and other professionals also contribute in delivering holistic medical services to patients, partners and clients of SMC Salud. For international patients, 24/7 emergency medical services, consultation appointments in all specialties, technologies for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, emergency evacuations and medical accompaniment are available. The organization is committed to offering the highest quality medical and cosmetic procedures to foreign patients looking for safe, alternative care abroad.

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