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By: Tehran Book Garden Office

welcome to Iran’s largest center for books, science and entertainment! Brows and room through the Book Garden.

You are here at Tehran Book Garden where the most massive collection of books and science-related hobbies can be found under one roof in one of the biggest bookstores in the world.

iran's book gallery

Irrespective of your age or taste, you can find your favorite niche in a corner of this structure composed of three floors and four separate spaces namely Baharestan, Khialestan, Negarestan and Sarvestan. The variety of facilities offered at Book Garden will spice up your visit, turning it into an exciting and fascinating experience. You can swing by the Adults’, Children’s or Teens’ bookstores, or visit the theater and music complex and even pay a visit to one of the various gardens of science or family-oriented recreational centers. In simpler terms, at the Book Garden one can “explore, experience and learn” all at once.


Tehran Book Garden is a place where you can:

Travel to the world of science and recreation:
Teens Science Garden: This is the vastest science park in the country with three galleries and approximately 40 amazing scientific and educational tools where you can experience flying on a real airplane or shoot laser guns or even lift a car with one hand.
Robotics Club:

Apart from roaming in the world of robots and getting acquainted with AI and computer programming, here you can also experience cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printers. At the table of creativity and entertainment you could also enjoy tech games such as robot soccer.
Biology Club:

Enjoy exploring the astonishing world of biology in one of the few educational and recreational centers in the field of life sciences. This is the place where you can see genuine laboratory equipment and experience working with them on your own.
Escape Room:

This is an exciting group brain teaser. Enter one of the two rooms namely ”Stranger” and “Pharaoh’s Curse” and solve the riddle of each room with the help of clues.



Travel to the Children’s World:

Land of Fekrbazia:

First amusement park in Iran designed based on the Howard Gardners multiple intelligences that broadens this notion into 8 Apes. Your child can experience over 25 mind games in 5 separate sections ofiering nature games, mystery games, construction games, endeavor games and sound games. In the Land of Fekrbazia your children can discover and develop their talents on their own.
Children’s House: Revolving around physical and movement activities -for relieving pent up energy, fighting boredom and cheering up kids, this place iS equipped with all apes of recreational facilities, toys and a ball pool.


Have an adventure in the first interactive amusement park in Iran. You can accompany, talk and make friends with Arsu, an android, or engage in games of car battle, interactive sand games and trampolines, exciting slides, and other forms of tech hobbies and adventure.

Travel to the World of Books, Culture and Art:
* Adults’ Bookstore
The biggest books and cultural products store in Iran
Children’s and Teens’ Bookstore
The biggest children’s and teens’ book and cultural products and stationery store
* Art Products Store
Beautiful Iranian handicraft and art products
* Stationery Store
All Apes of stationery for all age groups Cinema Halls:
° Book Garden Music and Theater Complex

Two separate fully equipped halls with a capacity of 250 and 100 individuals each for performing plays and concerts with a sound recording studio Book Garden Cinema Complex One of the biggest national cinema complexes encompassing 10 fully equipped theatres with the seating capacity of 1300 individuals Cafes and Restaurants: Different cafes and restaurants specialized in all types of burgers.

Well-being and Services:
“ Lamkade (reclining zone for relaxation and leisure)
Nostalgic Statues Mother and Baby room

An imaginative atmosphere to browse through in a 60-meter corridor with two conveyor belts and powerful projectors
Nashr-e-Shahr Publication Center Publication and distribution services with modern equipment for digital and offset publication
Ofiices and Education
Colleagues Club (Research Desks)
An open place for collaborative work for the purpose of research and study as well as carrying out team projects in the public area of Tehran Book Garden
“ Paradise Hub
A place far collaborative work within ¿ private office spaces of Tehran Book * Garden
* Conference Hall
A conference hall with the seating capacity of 140 individuals for holding
conferences, workshops and educational courses.

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