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By: Trends Editorial Team

Uzbekistan is a sovereign democratic, legal, social and secular state with a republican form of government, located in the heart of Central Asia. The total area of Uzbekistan is 448.9 thousand sq. km. The length of the territory of the Republic from west to east is 1,425 km and from north to south is 930 km.

The territory in the north and north-east of the Republic of Uzbekistan borders Kazakhstan, in the east and south-east with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the west with Turkmenistan, in the south with Afghanistan. Uzbekistan in the northwest is parted by the Aral Sea, in which the two main rivers of the country, the Amu Darya and the SYR Darya, flow.

According to natural and geographical conditions, Uzbekistan is one of the most favorable regions in Central Asia.

The territory of Uzbekistan is a peculiar combination of plains and mountainous terrain. The population of Uzbekistan is currently growing at a steady pace. The number of permanent residents in the Republic of Uzbekistan as of April 1, 2023, amounted to 36,197,781 people.


More than 130 nationalities and ethnic groups live in peace and harmony in Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan has, according to publications like UNESCO, an adult literacy rate of 99.99%. In recent years, the number of universities in Uzbekistan has increased by 2.5 times – up to 198, enrollment in higher education has increased from 9 to 38 percent. As a result of the increase in pre-school enrollment from 27 to 70 percent over the past six years, about 2 million boys and girls attend kindergarten today. Representatives of different religions and confessions in Uzbekistan live together in harmony. Currently, more than 2,000 religious organizations representing 16 different religions are operating in Uzbekistan. The most prevalent religion is Islam, with a more than 92% Muslim population. There are above 160 Muslim relics located in Uzbekistan. This proves the special importance of Uzbekistan to the whole Islamic world. The state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the Uzbek language. The Republic of Uzbekistan shall ensure a respectful attitude toward the languages, customs and traditions of all nationalities and ethnic groups living on its territory, and create the conditions necessary for their development. The capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the city of Tashkent. Uzbekistan is divided into 12 regions (Andijan, Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Syrdarya, Tashkent, Fergana and Khorezm), 1 autonomous republic – Karakalpakstan and 1 independent city – Tashkent.

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